Infant Development 0-4 Months


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Infant Development 0-4 Months

To find out whether your baby is borZn in good health, you can read it at Babies â € œKelahiran Sehatâ € œ. Furthermore, following the development of normal infants from the age of 0-4 bulanâ € |
Do not panic if the baby's back or buttocks have blue skin such as bruising, or grayish. These patches usually disappear after age over 1 year.
Do not panic too if your baby's head shape is less symmetrical, because he had just gone through the narrow streets, the hip of the mother. His eyes might seem a little swollen, his nose was very flat and his ears look a bit odd. He will continue to â € œmemperbaikiâ appearance coca € € |
Even in some of the baby, you can see the soft part at the top of his head throbbed. It still includes normal.
In the first few days, your baby's eyes will usually be kept closed. After that will be able to keep his eyes open for a longer time. He will be able to see your face at a distance of about 20 cm.
At this stage the baby can move and rotate his head to look for his mother's milk, can stretch his hand, and mengenggam your finger with his fist.
2nd Month
At this stage his body movement is getting better. He can reach things that caught his attention, can hold small objects with gengamannya walapaun only briefly, even he could have patted his favorite objects.
Try smiling kepadanyaâ € | do not be surprised if he smiles back to you. Try also making various sounds in nearby without surprise. Some babies will listen carefully to the sound, while others may even be crying.
At the end of this stage, most babies have started to lift her head and tried to look around the room.
If your baby is happy, then he will make a variety of responses, such as looking at your face, trying to grab you with his hand, smiling and babbling.
Conversely, if he is upset, then the response is made, among others, turned her face from you, crying, struggling, and breathe rapidly.
Little also has a feeling to explore using his mouth to suck what is and is comfortable to suck. He started a lot of experimenting with her voice, and the view distance was increased up to a few feet forward.
The 3rd month
Little has been getting stronger lift her head if you lay it in the prone position. Even not rare who can lift himself a little in this position.
He became more adept at using his hands. He would love to touch, hold, and flailing with both hands. He also would really like to see herself in the mirror.
At this stage, babies will begin to recognize faces of people nearby and various objects that familiar with it.
The 4th month
Your baby will look different and imitate your facial expressions. Some babies who can roll into the prone position itself at this point. But it would be easier for him to roll from prone position to a supine position.
Some babies have already started to show his teeth at this stage, although this is strongly influenced by heredity.
Thus the outline of your baby's development from the age of 0-4 months. All you need to remember is that every baby has unique developmentally. If your baby is rather slow progress, do not directly panikâ € | mostly remained within the limits of reasonableness


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