

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Childcare is r as umbrella term for the care, supervision, parent Business Operating adult gegenà over to understand children. Child is under German law as a rule every young person, of at least 14 Age has not yet completed ( § 7 paragraph 1 SGB VIII). Child care is first and mostly in the family, girls in the past and in wealthier families by Kindermà ¤. Today, in addition to family education in the form of publicly or privately organized à childcare ¤ tten in daycare, nurseries and day care predominate. In Austria and Switzerland is hierfà ¼ r also uses the term "child care" or "non-family day care. " There are also isolated the term "foreign care, " but which is frequently used to mount / in a negative context.


The controversy on public child care is politically, ideologically and professionally done. The settings for the care of children vary greatly from state to state. A außerfamiliale early childhood education is considered, for example, in Spain and in particular learning and development opportunity for children

During the third support in the kindergarten from the Age in Germany is generally accepted, there are the pros and cons of care for young children in nurseries and day care for children under 3 years of disagreement. Critics of creches and day care centers, for example the family network, argue that usually the parents, to which a long and trusting bond has been established, the emotional, mental and social development of the child can best be supported (see also binding theory).

On the other hand, an early care through professional, educational professionals trained to avoid that solidify deficits of primary socialization in a massive educational deprivation. This statement is not to be understood in the sense of blaming parents (immigrants as parents may include their imperfect knowledge of German to make only limited responsibility).


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